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  • Ibn AI Haytham Hospital Post Graduate Training Center
  • Criteria of Ibn AI Haytham Hospital Post Graduate Training Center

    Name of the WFNS Training Centre:

    Ibn AI Haytham Hospital Post Graduate Training Center (Amman, Jordan)

    About the Training Center & Program Details:

    • Ibn Al Haytham Hospital has 230 beds capacity. Neurosurgery department is hospital based; we have 30 neurosurgical beds, 25 in rooms and 5 in ICU.
    • Our neurosurgery department is an institution based, we have other related disciplines including the following services: Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Pathology, Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Urology, Orthopedics, Anesthesia, Neurology and Emergency Department.
    • Our Radiology Unit have facilities for: Angiography, CT (64) and MRI (1.5 Tesla) and Myelography. There are 4 radiologists, one of whom is a neuroradiologist.
    • We have Neurophysiologic diagnostic equipment: EEG, EMG, evoked potentials, intracranial pressure monitoring & etc. There are two neurologists based in hospital.
    • Neurosurgery department have access to full critical care unit; we have 5 neurosurgical ICU beds and 15 general ICU beds.
    • We have 10 operating rooms, two of them are allocated for Neurosurgery and are equipped with latest technologies including:
      1. Modern operating tables allowing every position possible including sitting position.
      2. Unipolar and bipolar coagulating units
      3. General neurosurgical instruments
      4. Microsurgical instruments including aneurysm clips and instrumentation.
      5. Magnification (operating microscope), 4 microscopes of which 2 are Pentero Zeiss and 2 are Lyka.
      6. Head holder.
      7. Neuromonitoring, navigation, ultrasonic aspirators and electrical drills.
    • We have an ongoing residency programme since 2007 in cooperation with the Islamic hospital in Amman. There are 7 neurosurgeons and 8-10 neurosurgical residents.
    • We perform 700-1500 neurosurgical procedures every year covering the following subspecialties: trauma, spine, cranial, vascular, skull base, functional peripheral nerves and pediatric.
    • We have a Gamma Knife unit since 1996.
    • We have interventional radiology department for aneurysm coiling and AVM obliteration since 2008.
    • Our neurosurgery department nurses are well trained in neurosurgical nursing in inpatient units and also in operating rooms.
    • We have a library with current texts and journals for access to literature on internet.
    • We are happy to offer the applicants coming from developing countries a financial contribution in the sum of USD 400 monthly plus providing them with accommodation.
    • We are acquiring a cadaveric lab containing 10 stations, which should be operational in 6 months’ time.


    Prof. Ibrahim Sbeih Dr. Ahmad Abu Khadijeh
    Neurosurgeon Hospital Administrator


    Required documentation:

    • A copy of the passport or the ID card
    • A copy of the diploma in Medicine or a certificate issued by the Faculty of Medicine.
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    • The letter(s) of recommendation.
    • A motivation letter


    How to Apply:

    The applicant please fill out the Online Application Form. Only the online application will be accepted. At the end of satisfactorily completing the rotation, Certificates are issued by the WFNS.

    March 2025