Tübingen University (Germany) Post-Graduate Pediatric Neurosurgery Training Program
The Department of Neurosurgery of the University of Tübingen is a large lnstitution which runs a daily surgical program of 10-12 surgeries, or about 3,000 surgeries per year. The Section of Pediatric Neurosurgery runs a busy surgical program and various, often interdisciplinary, outpatient clinics. Children are treated in close cooperation with the large University Children's Hospital and its numerous specialties, foremost Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Oncology, Neonatology, Pediatric Surgery, Craniofacial Surgery and Pediatric lntensive Care Medicine. The Fellowship consists of extensive exposure to the whole spectrum and techniques of pediatric neurosurgery including hydrocephalus, CNS tumors, craniofacial surgery, spinal and cranial malformations, spasticity, epilepsy surgery, and peripheral nerve surgery.
The ideal candidate is an English or German speaking female or male young post-graduate neurosurgeon from a residency training program or an equivalent program from developing countries who during her or his residency demonstrated good skills in microsurgery. The fellow wishes to subspecialize or to actively concentrate on pediatric neurosurgery in the future. The fellow should have a work experience of no longer than 5 years after concluding her/his residency.
Qualified applicants are invited to fill out the Online Application Form. Only the online application will be accepted.
Please visit: http://www.neurochirurgie-tuebingen.de/website/index.php?article_id=103&clang=1