6th Southeast European Neurosurgical Society (SeENS) COngress and 25th Hungarian Neurosurgical Society Congress, Budapest, 9-11 October

Summary of the 6th Congress of the Southeast European Neurosurgical Society and the 25th Congress of the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society

The 6th Congress of the Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society and the 25th Congress of the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society were held jointly on Margaret Island in Budapest, Hungary from October 9 to 11, 2024. The Congress’s patron was Prof. Dr. Tamás Freund, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA). The three-day conference hosted over 300 participants from 29 countries, who presented their latest research findings and innovations in neurosurgery and related fields. More than 200 high-quality scientific presentations were delivered in three parallel sessions, providing a comprehensive overview from current clinical practices to technological advancements and new research directions.

The presidents of the congress were Prof. Péter Banczerowski (Hungary) and Prof. Tomislav Sajko (Croatia). The presidents of the local organizing committee were Dr. László Sipos (Hungary) and Dr. Loránd Erőss (Hungary), the co-chairs of the Scientific Committee were Prof. Ihsan Solaroglu (Turkey) and Prof. László Novák (Hungary).

The congress was  opened by  Prof.  Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector of  Semmelweis
University, Budapest, Hungary.

Several renowned national and international experts gave presentations at the event -including Torstein Meling, President of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), Lukas Rasulic (Serbia), Secretary of EANS, Michaël Bruneau (Belgium), a board member of EANS, and leading officers from the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) such as Kenan Arnautovic (USA, First Vice President) and Stefan Florian (Romania, Parliamentarian)- who providing insights into the latest professional trends and challenges. The event served an excellent opportunity for participants to exchange experiences, build new connections, and discuss current clinical and research topics.

High-quality presentations were also delivered by members of the SeENS leadership, including its President, Tomislav Sajko, Honorary President Lukas Rasulic, 1st Vice President Stefan Florian, and 2nd Vice President Ihsan Solaroglu, as well as other distinguished members of SeENS.

In addition to the presentations, symposia and practical demonstrations were held, focusing on the application of the most advanced surgical techniques and tools. A key objective of the congress was to promote collaboration among neurosurgical leading centers and professionals in the region, as well as to support scientific development.

Furthermore, the event provided an excellent platform for young researchers and PhD students to introduce themselves and establish connections, promoting the development of future Hungarian researchers and facilitating collaboration with the international scientific community.

During the congress, the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society awarded honorary membership to Lukas Rasulic, President of the Serbian Neurosurgical Society, and Stefan Florian, President of the Romanian Neurosurgical Society.

On 10th October the SeENS EC board meeting was held, where Stefan Florian was elected as the next President of SeENS and other leading officers.

The  congress  abstracts  were  published  in  the  Ideggyógyászati  Szemle/Clinical
Neuroscience Proceedings (2024;9(6)), can be downloaded here:


6th Congress of the Southeast European Neurosurgical Society and the 25th Congress of the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society

6th Congress of the Southeast European Neurosurgical Society and the 25th Congress of the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society

6th Congress of the Southeast European Neurosurgical Society and the 25th Congress of the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society

March 2025