XXXIX Latin American Congress of Neurosurgery

December 21, 2021

The XXXIX Latin American Congress of Neurosurgery (CLAN) was held from November 21 to 24 in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador.

During the Congress, the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (FLANC), which coincidentally was conceived 40 years ago in the city of Guayaquil, was celebrated.

The Congress was held in person, being to our knowledge the first Congress of a Federation belonging to the WFNS since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic.

A strict biosafety protocol was used, consisting of distancing, use of masks and permanent testing. There were no adverse events related to Covid 19 infections during the entire Congress.

More than 500 neurosurgeons and residents registered for the Congress, who actively participated in the scientific and social activities.

Four Pre-Congress courses were held: Skull Base, Functional Neuroanatomy, Neuronavigation and Spine (AOSpine).

During the Congress, 31 master conferences and 310 scientific lectures were given.

Regarding the social activities, the opening ceremony with a cocktail on Monday, the president's dinner on Tuesday and the closing dinner on Wednesday were held. All these social activities were also governed by a strict biosafety protocol.

The Congress exceeded our expectations, and showed us that with leadership, effort and firm determination, great results can be achieved, even in the face of very difficult circumstances such as the current pandemic. The Congress also reaffirmed something that we imagined: although it is possible to teach and learn through virtual activities, face-to-face interaction between people is something impossible to replace. We are convinced that this good example of CLAN Guayaquil serves as a positive experience for the next WFNS World Congress to be held in March in Bogota.

Dr. César Chong Loor
President - CLAN Guayaquil

Dr. José Soriano
President - FLANC




March 2025