Spine Committee

WFNS Spine Committee Business Meeting – May 10. 2020

The current activities of the WFNS Spine Committee are below.

1. Meetings:
The regular Business Meeting was held May 10 via Zoom with 26 of 32 members participating. WFNS Consensus Meeting on Craniocervical Junction Pathologies, originally planned for March 2020 in Sao Paulo, has to be postponed until 17-19 March 2021.
Istanbul Spine Masters and ISMISS Turkey Meeting, originally planned for April 2020 in Istanbul, has been postponed until 1-3 October 2020 (unless COVID-19 pandemic is still active).
Biennial Meeting of the WFNS Spine Committee Meeting, originally planned for June 2020, has been postponed until 2021 (possibly late March, to be finalized in early autumn 2020).
WFNS Spine Committee Consensus Meeting about Osteoporotic Fractures, originally planned for September 2020 in India has been postponed. Exact dates are not known yet.
2nd Annual Conference of Spine Chapter of NESON in Collaboration with WFNS Spine Committee, originally planned for 16-17 October 2020 in Nepal, has been postponed until 11-13 November 2021.
WFNS International Symposium and 33rd Annual Conference of Pakistan Society of Neurosurgeons is planned for 5-8 November 2020 in Karachi (depending on the WFNS Executive Committee decision).

2. Webinars:
Fourteen webinars have been organized under the umbrella of the WFNS Spine Committee. All webinars have been added to our website http://wfns-spine.org/Webinar. We acknowledge the contributions of our Chinese members Dr.Feng Zeng Jian and Dr.Zan Chen for organizing two web-based symposia entitled “Craniocervical Junction Pathologies” and “Cervical OPLL” during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Webinars can be accessed by clicking the related sites on the web. Symposium-like webinars can also be organized. We are open to suggestions.

3. Consensus Meetings
The Consensus Meeting on “Thoracolumbar Trauma” which was held in Karachi, Pakistan will be repeated with a reevaluation meeting by Zoom. The date is 14 June 2020.

4. Spine Committee Recommendations
After many consensus meetings, the WFNS Spine Committee is publishing its recommendations on most common spinal disorders. To date, we have finished recommendations on “Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy”, “Lumbar Spinal Stenosis”, “Cervical Spine Trauma” and “Spinal Cord Injury”. You download them from the web site http://wfns-spine.org/recommendations. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy recommendations were also published in Neurospine Journal September 2019, volume 16(3). The free papers at the link https://www.e-neurospine.org/current/?vol=16&no=3.

5. We published the “Guidelines of Spine Practice During COVID-19 Pandemic”. You can download the guideline from our web site: http://www.wfns-spine.org/pdf/Covid%2019%20WSCS%20-%20WFNS%20Spine%20guidelines.pdf

6. Newsletter
The second Newsletter of WFNS Spine Committee has been published: http://wfns-spine.org/pdf/Newsletter%202-Final.pdf.

7. Interview with Dr.Richard Fessler is on the web site and YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WbAI6kepFA&feature=youtu.be

8. Book Projects
We are currently working on a book project “Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy and OPLL”. It will have 29 chapters with up-to-date information on this challenging subject. We expect to publish by the end of this year.

July 2024