Special Announcement



Dear Executive Committee,


We understand that you may have received an unofficial email from Dr Najia El-Abbadi originating in a private mailbox (non-WFNS) regarding current vacancies in the WFNS structure. Please be advised that most of these positions were not discussed and have not been approved by the Administrative Council as required by the C & B, we refer to the excerpt below

Article V, Section 3 (B) 2

“…The President of the Federation, with the approval of the Administrative Council, shall be empowered to fill any vacancy which may arise in the offices of the Federation, the Congress and their committees if not otherwise provided in these Bylaws or the Constitution. “

The AC asserts that such vacancies arose in several offices of the Federation, the Congress and their committees due to inaction by the then  President Elect. This resulted in vacancies. The President was advised of the need to nominate for AC approval and has not completed the process, and was a no-show at the recent AC meeting where the matter was central on the agenda. The AC was shocked to see that the President has proceeded without AC approval by sending this email unilaterally.

Furthermore, the President has disseminated confidential WFNS matters to unauthorized persons including current litigants against the WFNS (Ms Teresa Chen cced in email list. ) placing the WFNS at grave legal risk.

We wish to inform our esteemed colleagues and potential nominees that we will proceed as per the C & B and apply due process until conclusion of this matter. As always, all official WFNS correspondence will be from the Secretary or Office, all others should be received with skepticism.


Please keep in mind that Article 10 of WFNS Constitution is this:


The Administrative Council represents the Federation to the extent that the contrary does not follow from the law. The authority to represent shall vest exclusively in: the Administrative Council; and

- five (5) members of the Administrative Council acting jointly.


January 28th, 2024

      The WFNS AC

October 2024