WFNS Foundation Gazette - March, 2021

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We are still in a very difficult situation due to the COVID pandemic. Our social and scientific world seems to be temporarily stopped, but WFNS Foundation keeps going ahead.

The living legend of Neurosurgery -Prof. Majed Samii- is not coming into the scene because of skull base difficult cases. On this occasion, Prof. Samii (WFNS Honorary President) is unveiling the history of one of the most successful projects of WFNS Foundation: Africa 100.

Dr. Isabelle Germano is co-chairing one of the most emblematic committees of WFNS. Actively promoting neurosurgical education worldwide, the Education and Training Committee has organized hundreds of courses, seminars, and hands-on activities.

One neurosurgeon in a country with an 11.000.000 population is not the most desirable scenario to encourage you to become a neurosurgeon and then try to develop Neurosurgery in a difficult context. It was about Rwanda.

WFNS Reference Training Centers educate neurosurgeons from developing countries. Financially supported by the Foundation, after finishing the 5 years residency program the trainees come back to their country of origin.

The WFNS Young Neurosurgeons Forum is truly fortunate to count on the leadership of this bright academic.

After a successful international career, this talented man is rapidly raising the level Neurosurgery in Cameroon while involved in many international activities.

The current international situation due to the COVID pandemic hampers the distribution of medical sets in certain areas of the world.

The staff of our Central Office (Ms. T. Chen & Ms. Ling) managed to overcome one more time this situation and finally a set of instruments was delivered to Chad.

One of the ambitious goals of the WFNS Foundation is the provision of neurosurgical equipment to developing areas. One of the most requested technologies is of course the Picomicroscope of Zeiss.

Over the last 20 years, Zeiss generosity has been allowing WFNS Foundation to buy these equipments at a very low price.

WFNS Gazette is proud of having interviewed one of the most renowned neurosurgeons of the history of Medicine after successful operations on thousands of incredible difficult cases. Robert Spetzler, a great supporter of Foundation teaching activities, is unveiling some aspects of his exciting and fruitful professional life.


Creation of a Neurosurgical Unit in the North of Cameroon.

Catchment area: 10 million – Chairman, I. Esene.

March 2025