Important Message from the President of WFNS about WFNS World Congress 2021

Dear Friends, dear colleagues this is a letter that we did not wish to write but this terrible pandemic with its continuous waves has disrupted all our lives. We discovered that we are first doctors and then Neurosurgeons and we also realized how to keep our life saving procedures alive and at the same time how to fight this terrible virus. We lost many lives and over 100 colleagues passed away because of the coronavirus; may God bless them!

One effect of this pandemic has been the shifting of almost all educational activities to the web. We were sincerely hoping that with the start of vaccinations, our WFNS World Congress, in the beautiful city of Bogota, Colombia, could hold in August 2021. Unfortunately, the situation remains difficult and unpredictable; enclosed please find the letter of the Congress Organizers asking to postpone the Meeting to March 2022.

The Administrative Council of the WFNS met electronically on Saturday, 13 and 27 March 2021 to weigh the options and recommended that we postpone the World Congress in agreement with the request of our Colombian colleagues to March 2022. Meantime, it was decided to keep the elections as scheduled on the due date (28 August 2021) with a web-based voting platform. The voting process will last a few days and you will be informed about the details of the procedure in due time.

Separately, the Bylaws Committee will send the Amendments related to this issue to be voted in August.

This decision was already shared with a survey with our Societies and received unanimous support

All the best and keep safe!

Franco Servadei
President WFNS

March 2025