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  • Letter from the Chairman of YNE

    Ganesalingam Narenthiran

    The ‘young neurosurgeon’ occupies that nebulous phase of the neurosurgical life that is interposed between junior residency and surgical mastery where, the learning curve is steep and progress is marked by increasing surgical independence; a stage that straddles the senior residency and junior faculty – the middle phase of a neurosurgeon’s career. It is also the stage where besides surgical training one needs to acquire other skills to survive and prosper in the chosen field such a leadership, management and mentoring skills; often balancing the increasing responsibility at work with growing demands of personal life. It is the phase that launches the next generation of leaders, pioneers and surgical virtuosos!

    Professor Majid Samii, ever the visionary recognized the need of the organized neurosurgery to support neurosurgeons during this crucial phase of the career. During his Presidency of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) between 1997-2001, he established an ad hoc section of Young Neurosurgeons Forum, towards this end. Since then it has progressed from strength to strength. My predecessor Dr Muhammad Raji Mahmud, during his tenure established the ‘Mentoring Beyond Borders’ programme, organized hands-on courses and, in keeping with our time – the Internet age - organized symposia over the web, with ample support from his committee and the senior surgeons! Professor Yong-Kwang Tu, the current President of the WFNS, during his Presidential address at the XV Congress of the WFNS in Seoul, iterated his commitment to Young Neurosurgeons Forum. He sees a greater role for the Young Neurosurgeons Forum, expecting increased activity both in breadth and depth. Furthermore, he envisions the YNF also caters the aspirations and needs of junior residents and medical students!

    The mission of the YNF is to serve the young neurosurgeons from around the World. The goals of the YNF are to address the needs of the young neurosurgeons, junior residents and medical students; provide an avenue for young neurosurgeons to serve their profession and the WFNS; be an incubator for the future leaders of neurosurgery and officers of the WFNS. The 2013-2017 committee of the YNF is full of passionate, innovative and bold members from around the World with proven regional, national and International accomplishments, who are committed to achieving the mission and furthering the goals of the YNF.

    Regardless of whether you are a senior neurosurgeon, a young neurosurgeon, resident or, a medical student with dreams to be a neurosurgeon – you can all contribute to the activities of the YNF. I look forward to your support and look forward to working with you to see aspirations into concrete actions; actions into accomplishments, assisting the young neurosurgeons to achieve higher - all the while helping to provide better care to our patients from around the World!

    Ganesalingam Narenthiran

    Young Neurosurgeons Forum of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies 

    March 2025