Dear Colleagues - March 2024

Dear Colleagues –

This Newsletter follows the usual order: WFNS reports followed by reports of recent conferences followed by announcements of upcoming conferences.

The WFNS reports:

  • The North American Second Vice President’s Report of 4 December 2023
  • WFNS Committees Work in Progress
  • The current WFNS Ad-Hoc Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs
  • WFNS Education & Training Committee courses in the second half of March 2024
  • From the recent 1st International Global Neurosurgery Conference: The Peshawar Statement –

Future of Global Neurosurgery

Reports of recent conferences include:

  • Neurosurgery 3D: Anatomy of the Skull Base, Focus, and Surgical Techniques, Bogotá,

Colombia, 18-20 August 2023

  • 1st International Global Neurosurgery Conference, Peshawar, Pakistan, 23-25 February 2024

Announcements regarding major upcoming conferences/courses in the next few months, as well as the Continental Society Congresses later this year, include:

  • Society of British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS), Edinburgh, Scotland, 16–19 Apr
  • Indonesian Neurosurgical Society (INS)SD City (Jakarta), Indonesia, 6-9 Jun
  • NeuroTrauma2024, Cambridge, UK, 2-5 Sep
  • European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), Sofia, Bulgaria, 13-17 Oct
  • Latin American Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (CLAN), Santiago, Chile, 20-25 Oct
  • Serbian Neurosurgical Society (SNSS) Belgrade, Serbia, 31 Oct-3 Nov
  • Asian-Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons (AASNS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 7-10 Nov
  • Continental Association of African Neurosurgical Societies (CAANS), Kinshasa, DRC, and Brazzaville, Congo, 26-30 Nov

Several of the co-editors have been “over-extended” with other commitments in their neurosurgical lives – so the Editorial Board has had some recent changes. Please welcome them and let us know how we can best serve the WFNS community!

Amaya Alvarez Aquino
Russell Andrews
Katenga Dieu Merci Kabulo
Angelos Kolias
Lynne Lucena
Oluwamayowa Opara

July 2024