Message from the President of the XVI World Congress of Neurosurgery, 20-25 August 2017

Dear colleagues,

It is an honor and privilege to reach neurosurgeons around the world through this issue of the WFNS Newsletter.  I would like to thank the friends and delegates who, in 2011,  elected Istanbul as the host city of the 2017 WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery.  Since then we have been working very hard to organize a perfect congress that will be remembered for its best possible scientific program and very attractive social events.  I am grateful for your support and suggestions for a high quality and productive meeting.

Since 2013 we have shared the developments with you via the web page of our congress, Recently, we began collecting suggestions for the scientific program.  Log-on to the website and click on the link “Suggest a Speaker or Topic”.  This is a unique opportunity  to deliver the widest range of topics from speakers around the globe.

I would like to remind you that abstract submissions and scholarship applications still are accepted. We promised to provide registration and accommodation scholarships for young neurosurgeons and residents. We are waiting for the applications of all qualified colleagues.

Recently we have experienced tragic attacks throughout the world. Unfortunately, Istanbul also was affected by these global attacks which raised some concerns about the safety of the congress. We hope that 2017 will be a year in which peace is restored throughout the world. During the congress  measures will be taken by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and the national government of Turkey to ensure your safety.  WFNS President Dr. Tu and Secretary Dr. Misra will come to Istanbul to supervise both our preparations and meet with the local and national authorities to address the security issues.  We are working meticulously to remove any concerns you might have regarding security.

As promised, we are working hard to maintain the proposed congress budget. Our global sponsors are supporting us without hesitation. We will offer more economical conditions than many previous congresses  by having some meetings within the lodging facilities.  Regarding transportation, Turkish Airlines has the highest number of direct flights in the world and will offer a special discount.  Do not forget to check the relevant part of our web page before you purchase your tickets!

It is an honor and pleasure to invite you to “WFNS 2017 World Congress of Neurosurgery”.  I am confident that we will experience an unforgettable congress in the magnificent city of Istanbul, the intersection of Asia and Europe, the East and the West, and the past and the future.

With best regards,

Uğur Türe
WFNS 2017 World Congress of Neurosurgery
Istanbul, Turkey


July 2024