Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery 63rd Anniversary

Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery 63rd Anniversary

Strong role in continuing education of neurosurgeons mark the commitment of the entity with its members

Prof Dr Luiz Alencar Biurrum Borba – SBN President
Dr Paulo Honda – SBN Communication Director

In a blink of an eye it almost becomes possible to go back in time to the warm memories of the 1950s, deservedly known as the “Golden Years”. In a post-war scenario the most diverse areas have found room to flourish and leave a cherished legacy to this day.

Among the many relevant facts are: the emergence of haute couture; the revolutionary literature of João Guimarães Rosa, with the Grande Sertão: Veredas; the global success of rock’n roll; the effervescence of bossa nova; the launch of Sputnik, the first Russian satellite; the first living being sent into space, Laika the dog in Sputnik 2; and in science, the discovery of vaccines, DNA, the development of anesthesia and the advancement in brain and neurosurgery studies.

And it was amid all this incandescence that the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery (SBN) was founded, between the 21st and the 28th of July in 1957, during the 1st International Congress of Neurological Sciences. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, in Belgium, by the hands of José Ribe Portugal and José Albernaz, the first statute was written, with the participation of 10 other Brazilian neurosurgeons: J. L. Brito e Cunha, Renato Tavares Barbosa, Paulo Niemeyer, Henrique Austregésilo, Aloysio Mattos Pimenta, Carlos Sacramento, Elyseu Paglioli, Zaluar Campos, Manoel Caetano de Barros and Moacir Bernardes.

Its purpose was to partner itself with the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) and make Neurosurgery in Brazil better known through meetings and assemblies, both to promote the update of the specialty and disseminate scientific studies carried out by the local community itself.

This visionary strategy was successful: over these 63 years, the Brazilian performance was highlighted by the quality and creativity of its neurosurgeons and the role of the SBN was solidified with the training of new professionals in this area.

Light on the Brazilian neurosurgical scenario

In the current administration (2019-2020), under the overseeing of Dr. Luis Alencar Biurrum Borba, SBN has taken on two main goals: nationally and globally disseminate the great values of Brazilian Neurosurgery and provide high-quality continuing education to experienced and young neurosurgeons, residents and medical students.

For the first goal, the SBN Caravan project was born, which sets meetings in the four corners of Brazil to update and disseminate good practices in the community. The valuing of local professionals collaborates with the scientific scenario and regional health service. A collaboration with the press is also being carried out, to take advantage of the history and expertise of its professionals, as a reliable source of information and support to society.

For the second goal, a series of face-to-face and online events were held to reach all audiences, such as the continuity of assemblies, webinars with renowned neurosurgery specialists, new theoretical-practical courses in Brazil and abroad, and also the Caravans themselves. In January and February 2020, about 40 top-ranked residents were taken to the United States to improve theory and practice with neurosurgery experts.

In March, faced with the pandemic scenario of COVID-19, there was also the challenge of the need for changes in paradigms, in order to maintain commitments with members. It was then that the Neuroweek project began, a series of online courses held daily, with global audience records, which reached more than 100 countries with audience reaching around 25 thousand attendees. In an environment where health professionals are more vulnerable, update and knowledge for a safe operation of medical activities has never been so necessary.

So, while the news has brought up a sense of déjà vu in the world, with the new disease, another race in the search for a vaccine, a new satellite launch and space transport with Spacex, SBN showed it is possible to reinvent itself and make an impact with its social and educational role.

When the new satellites were set in the way, those who watched them could see the “trail” of those machines moving across the sky, improving communication on Earth. When looking at the history of SBN, it is possible to see the orbit adjustment to maintain the constant relevance to national and international neurosurgery.

A brief summary

Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery - SBN is an association of physicians who practice neurosurgery in Brazil. Founded 63 years ago, in 1957, it has approximately 2,800 members, being the third largest in the world in the specialty. Its mission is to ensure the progress of neurosurgery, by encouraging the improvement of the Brazilian neurosurgeon training, monitoring professional practices and representing the interests of neurosurgeons. It maintains regular and uninterrupted activities in the training, teaching and graduation of medical specialists in neurosurgery, following protocols and standards that place it among the best in the world, as recognized by WFNS. Website: / Instagram @sbn_neurosurgery

Dr Luiz Alencar Biurrum Borba

Dr Paulo Honda



Young Neurosurgeons

Neurosurgery is a specialty with a long training and learning journey, with postgraduate, fellowships, congresses, courses and academic actions. It is recognized that there must be love for the profession and all the dedication turns to be satisfying to work as a neurosurgeon. The young neurosurgeon, at the beginning of his/her career, faces certain obstacles. However, when training is adequate, he or she is able to perform highly complex surgical procedures in our specialty, showing good results for patients and obtaining more experience to deal with neurosurgical pathologies.

On July 4th, 2020 we had the Young Neurosurgeon Symposium on behalf of the Brazilian Neurosurgical Society Young Neurosurgeons Committee and the WFNS Young Neurosurgeons Committee, a high-level event where young neurosurgeons were able to present scientific knowledge and their studies. There were 1,166 registrations from 56 countries, including 413 neurosurgeons, 297 residents, and 456 from other specialties. The speakers were from Brazil, England, Spain and Taiwan.

In name of both Committees, WFNS and SBN, I would like to thank all speakers and all participants.

Hope to see all of you soon in another scientific meetings.


Adriana Libório

Member of WFNS Young Neurosurgeons Committee

Member of SBN Young Neurosurgeons Committee

July 2024