Editors’ Cover Letter

Dear Colleagues –

The August WFNS Newsletter focuses on COVID-19 and diversity in neurosurgery.

The first item is the 2 July 2020 letter from the President and the Chair of Committee Activities, Franco Servadei and P. David Adelson respectively, regarding suspension of WFNS in-person meetings through the rest of 2020.

The second item is a notice from the NIHR Global Research Unit on Global Surgery regarding the GlobalSurg | CovidSurg – Week Study. This notice includes a link for a hospital to participate in this prospective study aimed at determining the optimal timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Next are six open-access articles on the COVID-19 pandemic of particular interest to neurosurgeons worldwide.

Following are two reports from SBN (Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery): a notice of the 63rd SBN Anniversary, and a summary of the WFNS and SBN Young Neurosurgeons Committees Symposium held on July 4, 2020.

Reports from around the world on diversity in neurosurgery, and women in neurosurgery, begin with a view from India and proceed – roughly from east to west – to a final report from the USA. We all can learn from the progress made in some programs and countries toward providing equal opportunity and support to all who are dedicated to a career in neurosurgery.

As always, your thoughts on how to improve the Newsletter are welcome!

Mohammad Raji Mahmud
Laura Lippa
Angelos Kolias
Roxanna Garcia
Hira Burhan
Russell Andrews
Amro Al-Habib

September 2024