Obituary: General Prof. Dr. Khalaf Al Moutaery

The Ex 1ST Vice President of World Federation for Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS)
The First Saudi Neurosurgeon
The founder of Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society
The Founder and Editor of Pan Arab Neurosurgical Journal

I received with great sadness on January 29, 2018, the devastating news, that General Prof. Dr. Khalaf Al Mouteary passed away after a life full of achievements. He was and will continue to be the sympol of Modern Saudi Neurosurgery and the role model for many Arab Neurosurgeons. He was the First Saudi qualified neurosurgeon and established the first neurosurgical Unite in Saudi Arabia in 1983.

Dr. Mouteary was born in Taif, Saudi Arabia in July 1st 1948. Graduated with Honor from Taif secondary School in1966.  He went to Germany to study medicine in 1974 he successfully finished his medical education there and obtained the medical degree. In 1983 Dr. Khalaf successfully finished his training in Hanover and obtained FACHARZT,

In 1983 he returned back home to be The First Saudi Neurosurgeon in Saudi Arabia and joined Riyadh Central Hospital (Al Shemasey), few months later he moved to Riyadh Military Hospital and established the Department of Neurosciences and The Neurosurgical Unite, as the first neurosurgical unite in Saudi Arabia.

In 1987, he joined forces with my team and me from King Faisal University and King Faisal Specialist   Hospital to launch the very first Saudi Training Program I Neurosurgery “King Faisal University Fellowship Program- Neurosurgery”
In 1994 He was main power behind starting The Saudi Board Program in Neurosurgery, and he was the President of the board for several years.

Dr Mouteary was an International figure by all means, he joined WFNS and other international neurosurgical societies. He succeeded by long struggle to found Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society, gathered in his office in the Military Hospital representatives of 14 different Arab Countries and to launch the Society in February 1994. He became the first president of that society for two years.

In 1997 he successfully founded and published bi- annual neurosurgical journal “Pan Arab Neurosurgical Journal”. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the Pan Arab Neurosurgical Journal.

Dr. Mouteary joined WFNS and other international societies as early as he did start his neurosurgical career. He moved between differentcommiittes of WFNS till he was elected as

The 1ST  Vice President of the World Federation for Neurosurgical Societies.

During this rich career, Cr Mouteary received several honors and awards, some of them are:
Riyadh Neuroscience Club ‘Man of the Year’ Award for 1999
King AbdulAziz Award (First Degree), 2005
PANS Award - Abu Kassis Medal, 2002
World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Medal of Honour - Recife, Brazil, 2009
Dammam University Gold Medal,
Saudi Association for Neurological Surgeon (SANS) Gold medal award for life ling achievement in Neurosurgery, 2016

Membership / Advisory Board
Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery (Editor-in Chief)
Acta Neurochirurgica - EANS
Neurosurgery Quarterly - John Hopkins
World Neurosurgery - WFNS
Journal of Taibah - Saudi Arabia
Journal of Pediatric Biochemistry - Turkey
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery - Japan
Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery - ESNS
Saudi Medical Journal - Saudi Arabia
Neurosciences Journal - Pan Arab Neurologic Society

I had the privilege to know Dr, Khalf Al Mouteary in 1987, and worked with him closely in different programs and different tasks. We shared dreams, celebrated the success of some of these projects and we through the failures of others. We became very close friends, I liked him very much and respected his as my very own dear brother. Our both families became as one family. So, no words can express how sad I’m for his death.

I would like my profound condolences to the family of DR Mouteary, his students, his colleagues and his friends all over the world.

Ahmed Ammar, MBChB, DMSc, FICS, FACS, FAANS                                                                                                         
January 30, 2018

Professor and Consultant Neurosurgeon
King Fahd University Hospital
Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia

March 2025