Obituary: Prof. Souad Bakhti

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4 August 2021

Prof Souad Bakhti n’est plus.

Aujourd’hui, La neurochirurgie algérienne, marocaine, maghrébine, africaine, arabe, francophone, méditerranéenne et mondiale a perdu l’un de ses piliers. Nous avons perdu Professeur Souad Bakhti, neurochirurgien dévouée et amie fidèle, un mentor pour beaucoup de neurochirurgiens et une grande soeur et amie pour encore plus de collègues. Nous avons perdu un membre de notre famille.

Que Le grand Dieu l’accepte dans sa sainte miséricorde. Nos sincères condoléances pour Son mari Dr Abdenour, sa fille ainsi que sa famille. Nos condoléances pour les neurochirurgiens de la société algérienne de neurochirurgie.

Que Dieu nous assiste à surmonter cette grande perte.

إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون

ألهم ارحمها واغفر لها واسكنها فسيح جناتك يارب العالمين. تعازينا الخالصة

Today, the Algerian, Moroccan, Maghrebian, African, Arab, Francophone, Mediterranean and world neurosurgery has lost one of its pillars. We have lost Prof. Souad Bakhti, a devoted neurosurgeon and faithful friend, a mentor for many neurosurgeons and a big sister and friend for even more colleagues. We have lost a member of our family.

May the great God accept her into His holy Mercy. Our sincere condolences for her husband Dr. Abdenour, her daughter and her family. Our condolences for the neurosurgeons of the Algerian Society of Neurosurgery.

May God help us to overcome this great loss.

Prof Derkaoul fahd

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It is with great sadness that I learned of the untimely death of my dear friend Souad Bakhti.

All is said. Words cannot help. We all lost a friend, a sister, a colleague and a beautiful soul. We are both sad and devastated. We would like to bring some comfort to her family, but today, words fail us.

We have lost a great lady of world neurosurgery, who has left her mark on Algerian, Maghrebian, African, Arab, Mediterranean neurosurgery and at the level of the world federation. Professor Souad Bakhti was full of energy and dedication to neurosurgery. Active and generous, she enjoyed seeing her colleagues and friends’ flourish.

This terrible news has touched us deeply. We are close to Souad's family in spirit as we were unable to attend the funeral and we send you all our affection. I would say: I think of you and I am with you every day and every moment. You can always count on me.

To our big neurosurgical family, please receive my sincere condolences and the expression of my deepest sympathy.

May God welcome Souad into his eternal paradise.  

إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون
ألهم ارحمها واغفر لها واسكنها فسيح
جناتك يارب العالمين

Prof Najia El Abbadi

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Very sad this day of August 4, 2021 which announces the death of Professor Souad Bakhti, head of the department of neurosurgery at EHS Ali Ait Idir hospital and president of the Algerian Society of Neurosurgery and President of WIN.

Our sincere condolences to her family, husband and daughter and we join them in their pain and support them during this painful ordeal.

The news of the loss of a tireless warrior of Algerian, African and world neurosurgery leaves a great void in the neurosurgical community.

Souad, commonly called by all of us, was dedicated and tirelessly invested in the development of neurosurgery in Africa and the world.

Her dedication, kindness, great human qualities and sense of responsibility made her esteemed by all and worked tirelessly to contribute to the development of Neurosurgery.

Having worked with her for many years, I appreciated her sincerity, her sense of responsibility and her ever-increasing commitment to achieve our common goals and to make her contribution through numerous scientific contributions.

She was passionate about training young neurosurgeons and worked tirelessly for the well-being of our patients. She participated energetically in the different stages of the development of Algerian, African and world neurosurgery.

Dr. Abderrahmane Sidi Said

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March 2025