Message from the
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Dear Colleagues –
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt neurosurgical diagnosis and treatment - and precludes in-person courses and conferences.
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Message from WFNS President
Dear Friends, dear colleagues this is a letter that we did not wish to write but this terrible pandemic with its continuous waves has disrupted all our lives.
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WFNS Young Neurosurgeons Survey: Journal Access
This anonymous online survey aims to document and quantify the educational and scientific journal access needs of neurosurgeons worldwide. This survey will assist us with future advocacy efforts. Your participation is sincerely appreciated. The survey should require <10 minutes to complete.
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Queen Square Neurosurgery Review Course June 2021
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Education and Training Committee Report
It has been an honor and a pleasure to lead the WFNS Education and Training Committee over the past 4 years. I am particularly grateful to the co-chairs Prof. Hiroyuki Kinouchi (2017- 2019) and Satoshi Kuroda (2019-2021) and to the 30 committee members, listed on our web, representing 5 continents for their dedication and hard work.
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WFNS-WHO Liaison Committee Report
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of our professional activities. Perhaps no committee of the WFNS was more affected than the WFNS-WHO Liaison Committee (WHOLC), as WHO has been forced to devote all its attention to the pandemic and concerns regarding the infectious viral disease, equipment for care and vaccine development, delivery and administration.
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Neuroanatomy Committee Report
The WFNS Neuroanatomy webinar is a creative strategy to promote an online dynamic educational course for young neurosurgeons and trainees worldwide. The purpose of this initiative is to overcome the negative impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and to incorporate the emerging 21st century method of digital education.
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Technology Committee Report
The goal of the WFNS Technology Committee is to provide knowledge about and advice regarding any technology used in Neurosurgery. The vision of the Committee is to offer a complete advisory board and database of technology knowledge for all Neurosurgeons in the world and in every society.
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