Announcement from the President and Chair of committee activities of WFNS

To all the Officers of the Administrative Council, Past Presidents, and to all Committee Chairs,

Unfortunately, despite the distribution of vaccinations, the worldwide pandemic crisis of COVID– 19 continues to impact us all professionally and personally. In many places there is now a “third wave” of infection with new variants as societies try to open up to try and return business as usual.  Our mission remains the same though, and that is to raise the level of neurosurgical knowledge globally, to provide the best care to our patients all across the world.  We are fortunate that many of you have grasped the potential for “virtual meetings” and have taken them to the next level with over 200 virtual meetings achieved over the past year.

Previously, we suspended all WFNS sponsored and co-sponsored in person meetings through the end of March 2021. The WFNS Leadership is in the process of deciding whether it will be safe to move forward with the World Congress scheduled for end of August. With this new “wave”, it seems that it will not be possible to again sanction in person meetings until at least the end of summer.  For that reason and for the time being, no in person meetings should be developed and or scheduled until September 1, 2021.

The leadership of the WFNS would like to again encourage all of you to continue to grow our catalog of “meetings” through alternative platforms for interchange and collaboration, specifically utilizing electronic means for webinars, committee meetings, publications, conferences, etc.  These webinars and virtual Meetings will be displayed in our Web Site. 

We continue to look forward to hearing of the development of new educational initiatives that will carry us beyond this crisis with new opportunities and new ways of doing things going forward.

All of us here at the WFNS wish you stay well and stay healthy and may we all be able to get together again soon.


Franco Servadei, MD
President, WFNS

P. David Adelson, MD
Chair, Committee Activities
March 2025